How to Forget about Being Humble
Noticing the inherent beauty of a thing is the first step in organizing our thoughts and actions around it. Loving humility, admiring it and longing for it are what kick-starts the process of being transformed by it.
Let me offer an analogy. In my music career I never deliberately set out to sing in the style of Bono from U2. (A quick listen to my songs will reveal that I never quite attained it either.) But that Irishman's lilt and passion, light and shade, left their obvious marks on both my songwriting and vocal approach. I was shaped by what I admired.
My second thought relates to the first. Reflect on the lives of the humble. If we are shaped by what we admire, finding admirable examples and studying them will go a long way toward forming humility in us ... I trust most readers will be able to think of a few people around them who hold their power for the good of others before themselves. My suggestion is that you watch them closely, talk to them about their decisions and try to emulate them...
Finally, forget about being humble... C. S. Lewis, the famous Oxford don and author of The Chronicles of Narnia [insisted] that humility is quite unlike the property of, for example, having brown hair. It is not something you ... especially notice in others. You don't suddenly meet someone and think, "Wow! What dazzling humility!" It is a rather low-key virtue. It often takes a while to spot in others, partly because the truly humble person is not at all concerned about appearing humble. He is not thinking of himself at all...
-Humilitas: A Lost Key to Life, Love, and Leadership by John Dickson
Q: Humility can look like ____________ (Example: Holding the door open for someone else.)